A good ESE to SE breeze gave the fleet a good start from the clubhouse.  The addition of more than usual Harbour Cruise vessels possibly escaping the extreme Sailing event on the harbour added to the challenge.

Division 1 sailed Course 44 and it seemed at every time they appeared Solitude were flying their asymmetrical spinnaker.  Not to be outdone Irukandji and Sweet Chariot took up the challenge.  Forte Forever led the Etchells charge and were not far behind Solitude.  The Elans had a close race and again the resurgent Etchells were well represented with Forte, Saints II, Foxy and Eggshells. The handicap result went to Sweet Chariot from Forte and Solitude. Young Obsession tricked everyone by turning up a week early for Down Harbour Race 4.

Division 2 had a good race on Course 38 an inner circle of Course 44 which kept both fleets relatively close.  Flair won the start and led until Paca powered away to lead for the remainder.  Umzimkulu II were always close and made a valiant effort on their final spinnaker run to bridge the gap. It was good to see Richard and his young crew in Evo sailing. Luckily for Flair, Paca waited in Humbug allowing them to bridge the gap and take the handicap result narrowly from Paca and Umzimkulu.



Again a good crowd materialised on the Deck of Knowledge to analyse the race.  The range of food which appears is amazing and would probably out do the feast at a Twilight race.





The post-race discussion broadened to cover world issues such as how many times one sleeps on their boat, poles and wires, why Blue Chip is an honorary Etchells, MGBwill DJs Foxy appear in the results, ladies fashion, why a person steering an Etchells wasn’t sailing their own boat and the value of overdrive on a MGB Mark II.


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