Outside starts

The committee has been considering this issue every year for a few years.  This year the committee has decided to trial outside starts for a limited number of races when conditions warrant.

“Launch Starts”, with a start line set in the waters outside Humbug.


Increasing numbers of yachts

Increasing size of yachts

Length of start line off GFS Clubhouse is sometimes in breach of safety guidelines considering the combined length of participating yachts

Increasing No. of collisions and near misses.


Light South or South Easterly breezes, which have led to a congestion of yachts in front of the start line and down Humbug.

Changes to rules

Sailing secretary has highlighted the changes in red in the current version of the Sailing Instructions on the GFS website.

  1. Start Line.
  2. The Start Line may be set from either the Clubhouse or the Club launch. Code flag ‘Q’ will be flown at the Clubhouse to signify that the start will be from the Club launch.
  3. Courses and Course Signals.

Course Signals. Twilight Courses – Clubhouse start or if conditions warrant Launch Start (Code Flag ‘Q’ flown on the clubhouse flag mast)

  1. Starting Procedure.
  2. Twilight Point Score – Scratch Start. PT (Clubhouse 1735 hrs, Launch 1745 hrs)

Launch Starts will use Radio calls – no flag falls

Horn will still be sounded



For our twilight racers who may not be used to open water line starts please see the following useful links to the starting rules for any start line.


Of note:       no mark room applies at a start line;

                     No proper course applies before the start;

Windward boat must give way to a leeward boat – if they force you over that’s too bad! BUT

Leeward boat must give room and opportunity for others to keep clear; AND

You can only luff up to head to wind.  If you go further or tack, even accidentally, you are tacking in water and loose your rights. You are now windward boat– and you’re out and too bad.!


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