Heat wave conditions and conflicting wind predictions resulted in selecting a short course (3) for all divisions. The wind avoided what was predicted by either method and resulted in a good NNE breeze which progressively dropped as the day progressed.


Coupled with the wind there was a large outgoing tide. The pontoon at the club and the ramp were reversed at the top of the tide (pictured).


In Blue Division the final result is provisional and may depend on the outcome of a protest.  On the water Flashback then Irukandji and Monkey Business while on handicap Monkey Business, Hasta La Vista and then Tana.


In White Division the fleet was reminiscent of the golden age of GFS Etchells with 4 the only contestants in the race. On the water and handicap results were the same with Forte Forever ahead of Eggshells and then Chloe. Foxy made a good effort without setting a kite on the long run home from Shark Island


In Red Umzimkulu II led the fleet establishing a good margin with Joka making every effort possible to catch up. Paca sailed consistently to be back next. On handicap Umzimkulu from Joka and Flair.

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