There is a summary of the information delivered at the compulsory skippers briefing on the Sailing – Racing Information page of this website. Or here – Safety Briefing 2024
Twilight Series course sheets have been updated are now available on the Sailing – Yacht Racing Information page of this website.
Michael De Dutton York, OAM
It is with much sadness that we note the passing of sailing legend Mick York.
Mick York competed in hundreds of ocean races, sailed thousands of cruising miles and represented Australia in the America’s Cup, Admiral’s Cup, various world championships and Olympics.
He served an apprenticeship at Cockatoo Island and studied as a marine engineer, ran York’s Marine Service in Rushcutters Bay and became one of the original 3 directors of Barlow Winches.
Notably Mick was part of the Gretel campaign for the America’s Cup in 1962 as forward hand.
Gretel on Sydney Harbour
Also sailing on other ‘famous’ yachts, namely Caprice of Huon in the Admirals Cup and the 5.5 metre Barrenjoey in the 1968 Olympics.
He retired from competitive ocean racing after crewing aboard Kialoa III in her then record breaking Sydney to Hobart line honours win in 1975.
Kialoa III 1975 Sydney to Hobart
Mick then cruised extensively with his wife Jeanette in their steel yawl Rockhopper.
Mick became deeply involved in the preservation work of the Sydney Maritime Museum and Heritage Fleet. For many years was the skipper of the schooner Boomerang and was instrumental in the restorations of the James Craig and more recently John Oxley. He was a Life Governor of the museum.
At GFS we will remember Mick as a wily sailor on his Etchells ‘Rob Roy’, a regular attendee at dinners with Jeanette after Twilight racing and with the Mick York Trophy which he made in the image of a vintage skiff.
He will be a huge loss to the sailing community.
The compulsory Skipper’s Briefing for season 2024 – 2025 will be held at the GFS Clubhouse.
Wednesday, September 11 from 7.30pm.
More details will follow in the near future.
- Sunday 1 September
- Print the 2024 – 2025 audit form https://gfs.org.au/wp-
content/uploads/2024/08/Cat7_ Form_2024_pH.pdf - Check all safety items on board and complete the form
- Ensure that all items in the medical kit will be in date for the season
- Ensure that all lifejackets have been serviced and records kept – Inflatable Lifejackets – self testing procedure –https://www.facebook.com/nswmaritime/videos/312667803187042/
On the day of your audit:
- Lay out all the required equipment ready for inspection
- Call the GFS auditors on channel 72 to confirm availability
- Pick the auditor up from the GFS pontoon and drop them back afterwards
- Saturday 17 August
- Sunday 25 August
- Sunday 1 September
- Print the 2024 – 2025 audit form https://gfs.org.au/wp-
content/uploads/2024/08/Cat7_ Form_2024_pH.pdf - Check all safety items on board and complete the form
- Ensure that all items in the medical kit will be in date for the season
- Ensure that all lifejackets have been serviced and records kept – Inflatable Lifejackets – self testing procedure –https://www.facebook.com/nswmaritime/videos/312667803187042/
On the day of your audit:
- Lay out all the required equipment ready for inspection
- Call the GFS auditors on channel 72 to confirm availability
- Pick the auditor up from the GFS pontoon and drop them back afterwards
Information relating to the upcoming season is available on the Sailing – Yacht Racing Information page of this website.
Information includes –
Race Entry – How to enter your yacht (note each series must be entered separately)
Season Program – Updated August 07. Please note the changed dates for –
Working Bee Saturday August 24
Skippers’ Briefing Wednesday September 11
Sailing Instructions
Category 7 Equipment Audit form (other categories 3 and 5 are available and will require booking in with the GFS Safety Officer, Peter Hamilton)
Twilight Course sheets will be added in the near future
Full Member Renewals for the 2024/25 Membership Year are due
It is now time to renew your GFS membership for the next membership year starting 1 July 2024. As part of the renewal we are asking all members to confirm and update their personal contact details for use in the case of an emergency.
To renew your membership:
You will need to know your Australian Sailing Number + First Name + Last Name + Date of Birth + Gender. If you do not know your Australian Sailing Number click on this link https://www.sailing.org.au/member-finder to find it
NOTE Around x30 members have a default birthdate in the system (either 1/1/1935 or 1/1/2000) and the Membership Secretary has already informed those concerned (email dated 13 June 2024) to use that date or phone him to assist with updating
Log into your Revsport memberpage via the following link https://www.revolutionise.com.au/gfs/ .
Click on the Renew button under the ‘Renew my Full Membership’ Heading and complete the following steps
Under ‘Renew your membership’ click on the Returning Member button
Step 1 Registration, enter your AS number, first name, last name, date of birth and gender
Step 2 Confirm you are a full member
Step 3 Confirm purchase summary $540
Step 4 Check and adjust if necessary your basic details, particularly emergency contact details
Step 5 Tick the boxes
Step 6 Complete the payment
The GFS Website https://gfs.org.au/online-renewal-help/ has been updated to direct members to the new membership system. Alternatively phone assistance is available by contacting the GFS Membership Secretary currently Chris Gaskell on 0432 018 081 or in his absence Dion Weston on 0408 859 267.
Membership Fees
The GFS committee has decided to increase membership fees modestly, around the general rate of inflation, for the new 2024/25 Membership Year. GFS will continue to have some of the lowest fees and offer the best value sailing experience of any club in Sydney. The fees for the 2024/25 season are:
Full member $540
Crew member $145
Tender/dinghy storage $260
If you have a tender or dinghy in the clubhouse you will be contacted later for the payment of the storage fees.
While memberships were current until the end of June 2024, from 1 July members will not be financial and will be in breach of the Racing Rules of Sailing if they race without being financial.
The prize presentation was held on Saturday, June 2. The event was well attended.
However, there are some plates still to be collected. These will be displayed in the club from Saturday June 8. There is a list in the latest Humbug Lite.
A full list of recipients for 2023 – 2024 and their awards is here.
Hi everyone,
I have been serving in the role of Twilight Captain for 7 years and I feel the time has come to pass this on to someone else.
I started at the beginning of the 2018/2019 Twilight Season. I have enjoyed the role and interacting with so many members, especially my fellow committee members. The Covid years were tough, with cancellations, Persons-On-Board lists and many other hurdles, but we have now completed our first season in a “Business as Usual” fashion. Everything is ship-shape again and ready for hand-over.
I give special thanks to those who worked closely with me to help make the racing events happen: Bram Penberthy (Handicap Officer), David Edmiston (lead Course Setter), Peter Hamilton (Safety Officer) and Phil Hare (Sailing Secretary).
I would like to thank the many starters we have had over the last 7 years, most recently Belle Blandin de Chalain and Liam West.
The Twilight Race Events would not have been so popular without the dinners afterwards, always organised in superb fashion by Glenda Cameron-Strange and Holly Charalambous.
I would also like to thank John Veale and Steve Bradley for their support as Commodore and Vice-Commodore.
I will continue sailing, so you will see me out on the harbour or at the dinners. I will be available to help the new Twilight Captain whenever required. If you are interested in the role or you know a good candidate, please send an email to myself and John Veale.
Cheers everyone,
Nick Murphy.
Please check the two lists attached, If your boat is mentioned you will be the recipient of a plate or trophy at the GFS prize presentation.
The Prize presentation is from 3.00pm on June 1 at the GFS clubhouse.
All members and crews are welcome to attend along with those listed.
Twilight Recipients – Twi list for web
Saturday Recipients – Sat list for web
Hope to see many of you in attendance.
Felix passed away after a battle with cancer on Sunday April 7.
Felix was a GFS Junior Sailor at the time Rich and Liz Imaly ran the Sabot program. Liz taught him at Greenwich Public School and also to sail.
After primary school he attended Newington College where he graduated in 2020. The College noted that Felix made an indelible impact on his peers and teachers. From College musicals, plays, orchestral performances and concerto competitions to fundraising for the Salvos and as a school leader he was, in the words of Headmaster Mr Michael Parker, ‘a terrific, positive and indefatigable young man’.
Diagnosed in December 2021, Felix was treated for a super rare Sarcoma called an Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumour in his chest spanning his heart and left lung.
While at GFS he was an active junior sailor and he was awarded an Australia Day Medallion sailing Whisperer in the GFS Sabot 1 up class in the 2016 event.
Felix was an incredible young person who became involved in Canteen – https://www.raiseit.org.au/fundraisers/flixlaubi/raise-it He reached out to Canteen for support in the form of counselling, meeting groups with other young patients and survivors.
Despite his condition Felix completed the Huskisson classic distance triathlon in October 2023. A 1km swim in Jervis Bay, followed by a 60km bike ride and 10km run where he was joined by a group of friends who have supported him throughout treatment and are now supporting each other through training.
The GFS Laser group held an unofficial memorial for Felix at the club last Sunday. Felix’s father Andreas is a regular sailor with the GFS Laser fleet.
West Harbour Winter Series – WHWS
Entries via Balmain Sailing club –
Sailing Instructions –
Courses –
Races –
Year | Month | Day | Date | Event | Other Information |
2024 |
May |
Sunday | 19 | W H Winter Series Race 1 | Dates for the 2024 combined Balmain Sailing Club, Drummoyne Sailing Club, Parramatta Sailing Club and Greenwich Flying Squadron West Harbour Winter Series |
June |
Sunday | 2 | W H Winter Series Race 2 | ||
Sunday | 16 | W H Winter Series Race 3 | |||
Sunday | 30 | W H Winter Series Race 4 | |||
July |
Sunday | 14 | W H Winter Series Race 5 | ||
Sunday | 28 | W H Winter Series Race 6 | |||
August |
Sunday | 11 | W H Winter Series Race 7 |