The wind prediction luckily was less than the wind that actually appeared and this fortunate circumstance meant that all competitors were able to not only get through the city on the way Down Harbour, but to return to Greenwich as well.

Blue Division had a significantly large fleet of 12 yachts and with a close start out through Humbug resulted in some displaying their skill with spinnakers. Forte Forever were a bit late as they were trying to locate where they had left their third crew person (perhaps in the dinghy with the unneeded sails) and gave the fleet a bit of a start.  Solitude made it to Clark ahead but were tackled by a swarm of larger boats by the bridge – Flashback, Conquista and Gwhizz took up the running.  Blue Chip and Chloe kept about the same distance as they are on their moorings although they were being harassed by Eggs. Young Obsession, Forte and Peachy Velociteats also were locked together on the run home.  Speedwell, Forte4ever and Irukandgi also seemed inseparable. Paul’s Obsession and Brian’s Teats had significant spinnaker moments after Balls Head which was opportune in the case of the Obsessives as the leeward crew was in need of cooling down.

In White, Tana, Out of Africa and New Territories escaped leaving Paca and Joka to discuss the merits of nuclear warhead tests in the vicinity of Onions Point. New Territories got there and back with withering speed as though they were escaping Hong Kong, especially with their large kite requiring a crew nearly equal the size of that on Flashback. The White Fleet won the ‘covered the biggest length of the harbour’ award as they finished almost regularly at 5 minute intervals well into the night.

The Red match race continued with Flair and Zig Zag displaying excellent sailing ability. Enough said, albeit to note that Barubi was away and sailing in the Endeavour Yachts 50th Anniversary Regatta held at Botany Bay by Botany Bay Yacht Club. I hope the Wise crew made more of an impact than Captain Arthur Phillip. A pleasant Saturday sail was held on
the Bay, but Sunday was special

!Barubi_dh7  Sunday 15 March 2015


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