The 2019-20 Summer Series will be a Handicap Start Series. This series will not be counted in the overall season results.
Yachts will start on the appearance of their start handicap on the white boards with black numerals located on the clubhouse ramp.
Yachts will retain their normal division and sail the course set for that division.
The first boat to start will be at 1745 hrs (5:45pm)
Initial handicaps will be assigned by the club handicapper based on current PHS handicaps.
Handicaps for each race will be emailed by the Monday before the next race. The start list and handicaps will also be posted on the GFS website and the Club Notice Board.
Starters will not communicate details of handicaps to yachts or do a countdown for each minute start by VHF radio.
Sailing Instruction Changes
The following Amendments have been made to The GFS Sailing Instructions and are available on the Yachts – Racing Information page of the GFS Website. Full and Cockpit versions can be downloaded from the website. The changes are in red.
10. Starting Procedure

iii. Twilight Series – Handicap start
11. Starting Rules.
a RRS. Rule 30.1 applies at the start.
b Yachts are required to keep clear of the starting line before their warning signal.
i. In Twilight Scratch starts yachts are to keep clear of the starting box/exclusion zone until 5 minutes prior to their assigned starting time – see SI 8 vi.
ii In Twilight Handicap (Pursuit) Starts yachts are to keep clear of the starting box/exclusion zone until 3 minutes prior to their assigned starting time – see SI 8 vi.
c Yachts sailing in the starting area prior to their One Minute Signal must keep clear of all yachts sailing after their One Minute Signal. Yachts not complying may be protested by other competitors or disqualified by the starter.
d i. If a Club Buoy and/or Clearance Mark have been laid, no yacht shall cross the starting line from the direction of the first mark after its preparatory signal.
ii. No ‘dip starts’ are permitted – Code Flag ‘I’.
iii. Yachts may pass either end of the club mark, launch or clearance buoy (if laid) to re-start.
e The starter will remain on station for 15 minutes after the last start. No yacht will be recorded as a starter after that time.
f The procedure for Handicap Starts outlined in SI 10 iii modifies rule 12(c).
g If no club buoy or launch is used at the start a yacht must return completely to the pre-start side of the
transit line before re starting. This modifies SI 11(d, ii).
13. Recalls.
a Individual RRS Rule 29.1 will apply.
Code Flag ‘X’ will be displayed accompanied by one sound signal. The offending yacht may be advised by
hail; however, the onus is on the offending yacht to return and restart.
b General RRS Rule 29.2 will apply as modified.
First Substitute will be raised accompanied by two sound signals. Four minutes later the First Substitute will be lowered accompanied by one sound signal. One minute later the Class Flag and Preparatory Signal (for the Twilight Point score races) and the Class Flag (for the Saturday and Winter races) will be raised accompanied by one sound signal. Thereafter the starting procedures return to normal.
If a second general recall occurs the recalled division will then start 10 minutes after the last division start. The Preparatory Signal (Twilight races) or the Class Flag (Saturday & Winter races) will be raised five minutes after the last division starts.
c For Twilight Handicap (Pursuit) Starts, Individual recalls may not be signaled, the onus is on the offending yacht to return and restart. This modifies RRS 29.1.
If any yacht is on the course side of the starting line at the time of her start may restart the race or be given a two-minute penalty at the finish.
Any yacht starting more than 1 minute before her start may be recorded as DNS at the discretion of the starter.