Details have now been released of the death of a sailor and serious injury to another in a yacht race on Pittwater yesterday (Incident report). This highlights the need for all of us involved in the sport to be extremely conscious of our own safety and that of our crew and other competitors. We offer heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of the victim and our thoughts are with the club which has to deal with the aftermath of the incident.
We sail in a restricted waterway with courses which are often crowded with a variety of different boats from our own fleet and those from a variety of different clubs. Yesterday was a case in point in the waterway between Hunters Hill and Cockatoo Island. We are reminded that we need to give room, and opportunity, for boats to navigate in a proper manner. The issue of room is vital especially for windward boats in areas of congestion with boats of different capabilities and sizes.
Also, copy and complete the GFS Safety Card (here) and keep it on board and instruct your crew where safety equipment is stored and how to retrieve persons overboard.
Autumn Race 3 at GFS was sailed in glorious conditions – the 60% prediction of showers seemed way off the mark and a good breeze around 16kts with some gusts up to 18kts made for a quick race on Course 18.
In Division 1, Solitude and Irukandji headed the fleet on the water whilst the remainder kept in fairly close contact. Foxy, Solitude and Speedwell were the handicap placings. Well done to the Speedwell crew for coping it sweet after a Port-Starboard incident approaching a GFS mark. They exonerated by doing a two-turns penalty.
Division 2 on-water and handicap results went to Paca, Joka and Umzimkulu II after a well sailed race.