The GFS Annual presentation recognised achievements in races over the 2014 – 2015 sailing season. More importantly it provided an opportunity for skippers and crew to meet, greet and discus a range of topics in a relaxed atmosphere on the ‘Deck of Knowledge’.
The presentation itself rivalled the Eurovision Song Contest in both style and substance. We were fortunate to have Peter Notley and the inimitable Joe Walsh to present some of the awards. We were also honoured to have our own sailing icons present for the event – Keith, Hans, Alan and Mick.
Commodore David managed to get through a huge number of awards in an entertaining and efficient manner.
It was an event not to be missed. The snacks provided were excellent and we thank Glenda, Pam J, Lesley and Pam B for their effort in providing and distributing food to all corners of the clubhouse (sorry if I missed anyone).
As some award recipients were not able to attend their skite plates are on the window sill in the entry foyer of the club. There are also some Australia Day Medallions as well. It would be appreciated if these could be collected.
Full listing of 2014 – 2015 prize winners