This year’s Balmain Regatta is to be held on Sunday October 25. The 2015 Regatta celebrates
130 years of women in sailing.
Notice of race –
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The BSC has named this year’s Balmain Regatta on October 25 in Irene Pritchard’s honour in a celebration of women’s sailing.
In 1898, Pritchard became the first female sailor to register with the Balmain area’s only active sailing club, Johnstone’s Bay. She came from a local boatbuilding family and, as skipper of 8ft skiff Zephyr, forged a formidable reputation.
Her brother HC, or Harry, built Zephyr and crewed it together with their brother Fred.
The 2.4m boat was as wide as it was long and, like all the open skiffs of the day, it had a huge sail, a 5.5m-tall mast, a 4.9m boom and a 3m bowsprit.