It scarcely seems winter, so faint is the breeze
That stirs the GFS pennant there on the mast,
So idly on high float the white sails along,
So sweet is the note of the delayed start’s song,
So lazily loiter the yachts where they stand,
So warm is the sunshine that lies on the crews.                                        Apologies to Andrew Downing


WHWS Race 6 proved to be a non-event with the race failing to start.  There could have been several reasons for this – lack of enthusiasm shown by crews on yachts, the euphoria after both DSC and BSC Annual General Meetings held the morning before the race, lack of beer on the start boat or perhaps lack of breeze. However a lovely Winter’s day to be out on the water as evidenced by the smiling faces of skippers and crews as they drifted past the start boat

There is one remaining chance for the wind to turn up!

Race 7  Sunday July 30

Following the race there will be presentations at DSC for the winners of the series in each division.

If you really wish to join in for the LAST race –

The Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions are on the Balmain Club Website or here –NOR and Sailing Instructions.

Entry System via the Balmain Sailing Club’s website (scroll over the ‘Racing’ tab and click on ‘Race Entry (Keelboats)’.

GFS Yachts who have paid their annual fees can still enter this event at no charge.

All competitors will be racing under the Performance Handicapping System (PHS). However some have opted to race under the ORC Club Measurement based handicapping system.

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