
Last Saturday, November 18, saw the conclusion of the Spring Series with Race 8. The day proved challenging with some heavy gusts hitting the fleet as the battled around Course 19.


The series places in Division 1 were  –

1st TISM  11 points

2nd Blue Chip 15 points

3rd Gwizz 21 points








In Division 2

1st Paca 9 points

2nd StarElan 16 points

3rd Umzimkulu II 27 points


Well done.

The latest issue of Humbug is available HERE.

It is a brilliant edition with some great stories, quiz and a photographic competition for you to enter.

For a nostalgia kick you can see Humbugs back to 2003 by clicking on the Humbug tab above.

We email Humbug to members. The last was on Tuesday November 7. We of course don’t agree with the classification but if you did not find our Humbug email please check your junk mail folder.


A few photos taken by Geoff Lucas of the sunset and light conditions for the most recent GFS twilight. The twilight race started with a whimper and finished with a bang when a 20 knot southerly kicked in. The first half of the race (all the way to Goat Island) took 2 hours while the return for some took 20 minutes.

Geoff took the photos with his iPhone camera.

Twilighters and Saturday Sailors
A 5 month construction of a new wharf off Longnose Point, Birchgrove began last week.

You’ll note from the image above, the existing wharf is being entirely replaced by a structure which will extend a further 12 metres into Parramatta River. You can see all the details on the RMS web site HERE.

The area under construction is contained within yellow marker buoys.  PLEASE KEEP CLEAR !

Congratulations to intrepid GFS Commodore David for his seventh (?) placing in the recent Laser World’s in the GGM Class. A very credible result considering the 60 odd boats contesting the GGM and 75+ classes.




Click to enlarge




The event was conducted by the Mornar Sailing Club in Split, Croatia. Geoff Lucas also contested the 75+ class.

A healthy crowd of skippers and crew attended the skippers’ information evening on Wednesday September 27 at the GFS clubhouse.

Is is an essential that all participants in GFS events are made aware of their requirements and the clubs responsibilities.


If you missed the evening please read the summary of the presentation here.  Have your crew view it as well. This presentation is also on the Yachts – Racing Information page.


The night culminated with a tour of the Water Police vessel and off course the extended discussion on the fabled ‘Deck of All Knowledge’.




A very important key learning from last night…
If you have an on-board emergency  and need to call for help,
in order of priority:
(i)                Call VHF 16
(ii)               Marine Rescue (02) 9969 3270
(iii)              The Water Police at Marine Area Command (Balmain) – (02) 9320 7499.


Equipment auditors will check the the equipment listed on the Category 7 form available on the GFS website (here).

A detailed description of the required items which has been supplied to auditors is available here. 




It was good to see boats well-prepared for their audit – as you can see it kept the GFS Auditors very happy!



Yes it was a windy afternoon. Course 30 kept the fleet between Spectacle and Snapper Islands and the ‘top’ mark at Longnose Point.

Please note that the starters flew the WHITE flag to signal the start of  Division 2. See the Course sheet for details.



The wind was so bad that as yet the results have not appeared on the website. I’m sure they will shortly!

Well done to those that braved the windy conditions.


Chloe, Paca and StarElan




Audits will be conducted from 0900 hours (until 1200 hours).  It is a race day for Saturday Series yachts.

Please have the audit form completed and the equipment to be checked laid out.

Fire extinguishers can be checked at the club – $10 donation to YOTS.

Download a copy of the Equipment Audit form, GFS Sailing Instructions and GFS Safety Card from the GFS Yachts Page and have either an electronic or hard copy of the Racing Rules of Sailing. These are on the Yachts Page or click here.

Have a proof of insurance document available to be sighted by the auditor.

The required documents can be located on the Yachts page.

Please note that the house immediately above the clubhouse (#19) is due to be auctioned on site at 1045 hours on Saturday. I would expect that traffic in Bay Street will be just peachy!

Sorry for the late notice.

Down Harbour Divisions are on the Yachts – Results tab – 2017 2018 Season – Down Harbour Series.

Please note the Divisions are different to the Saturday Series Divisions. The starting order is –

Blue – Yachts

White – Etchells and Sports Boats

Red – Yachts

Some Down Harbour Courses are different please read the course sheet carefully.  Keep on the required side of the Bradleys Head safe water mark.

It was reported that last weekend the Nielsen Park YA mark was barely above water.

The breeze should be brisk please sail safely and keep a look-out.

Race 1 of the Saturday Spring Series is next Saturday September 2.

Please make sure current race documents (Equipment Audit and Insurance) are uploaded prior to racing.

Saturday Spring Series Divisions (note these will be different for next week Down Harbour Race 1) –

1 FORTE FOREVER 44 Etchells
1 FLASHBACK 227 Young 40
1 BEWARE OF THE DOG! 2501 Mungral 25
1 G-WHIZZ 3425 Elan 340
1 BLUE CHIP 3604 Robertson 950
1 IRUKANDJI 6358 Northshore 369
1 HASTA LA VISTA 7129 Dehler 32
1 FOXY AUS758 Etchells
1 TISM AUS759 Etchells
1 CHLOE AUS762 Etchells
1 PACIFIC EDGE KA59 Etchells


2 UMZIMKULU 2 28 Holland 30
2 SPIKE 196 J70
2 FLAIR 1531 South Coast Magnum
2 JOKA 3608 Cavalier 28
2 SPEEDWELL 4113 Young 88
2 SILVER SPRAY 4409 Northshore 33
2 VAKA TOTOLO 6370 Young 88
2 PACA 6694 Beneteau First 27.7
2 STARELAN 7051 Elan 320
2 MISTRESS M101 Adams 31

If you did not receive a course sheet at the Equipment Audit it is available on the Yachts – Racing Information page or here.

The 2017 – 2018 Sailing Program is also on the Yachts – Racing Information page or here.

Best luck for the 2017 – 2018 season.

Very choppy on the Lane Cove River (looking West), Friday August 18 around 11:00 am, photo courtesy John Veale. Click to enlarge.

Equipment Audits for Twilight Yachts –

Audit 2 Saturday 16th September and,

Audit 3 Sunday 24th September.

Audits will be conducted between 9.00am and 12.00 noon on a first come, first served basis.

Fire Extinguishers can be checked on the morning of Saturday 16th September. Cost is a $10 per fire extinguisher and  the fees will donated to YOTS.

A couple of reminders to help make the process as simple and seamless as possible:

    All gear should be laid out including all the elements of the first aid kit and lifejackets for easy inspection and swift sign off (check your saline solution – there is a good chance it will be out of date).

Download a copy of the GFS Sailing Instructions and GFS Safety Card from the GFS Yachts Page and have either an electronic or hard copy of the Racing Rules of Sailing. A link to the yachts Page is here.


    Prior to the inspection the forms should be completed with all relevant details and the owners column (P) ticked or initialed for the auditors to check.


    Once the process (including sign off of outstanding items) is complete, 2017/18 RMS Stickers will be issued (inshore/offshore as applicable)

A hard copy of the GFS Season Program and 2017 – 2018 GFS Course Sheet will be available from the auditors.

Please upload you completed audit form to Top Yacht.

The annual working bee hit the clubhouse like a fierce storm. The fury of activity left no corner of the club, deck, surrounds and facilities untouched.


It was gratifying to see the 30 or so members engaged in these activities to ensure the club was ready for the coming season which kicks off with the first Saturday Spring Series race on September 2.





Saturday 29 July 2017 signalled the start of the Cruising Yacht Club of Australia’s 32nd Land Rover Sydney Gold Coast Yacht Race. The CYCA believes this event is second only in status to the Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race among long ocean races conducted by the Club.

GFS yacht Ausreo (Ian Creak) with Jim Lelliott as Sailing Master had impressive results finishing 2nd Overall, second on ORCi, 1st in IRC Division 3 and second on ORCi Division 3. Several club members including Philip Lambe and Danni Birchill flew to the Gold Coast to join Ausreo for the sail back to Sydney. Photos courtesy CYCA.


Previous Commodore Martin Sheppard and brother Derek were also successful finishing 3rd in IRC Division 3 in their yacht Black Sheep.


 GFS SailPass
 GFS SailPass

Crew List
- here

GFS Facebook Group