Each time you race you must enter a crew list. No crew list will result in your yacht being classed as DNS.

POB lists are required to be submitted before each race. If you are not able to submit your POB list before the race, due to special circumstances, you may submit your POB list up to 24 hours after the race finishes.

Results published will be provisional up until this time.

Initial set up is via the TopYacht entry link – https://www.topyacht.com.au/db/kb/1416

Once you have added a crew list you can update your crew from the following link – http://tymob.net.au/mycrew.php?evid=1416&sn=????

Person on Board instructions are on the Sailing – Racing Information page. This includes instructions to allow you to set up a mobile device to update crew. It is then very simple to just tick those on board from a list.

An updated Covid Safety Plan is here – GFS-COVID-19-Safety-Plan-17 October 2021

Outside starts

The committee has been considering this issue every year for a few years.  This year the committee has decided to trial outside starts for a limited number of races when conditions warrant.

“Launch Starts”, with a start line set in the waters outside Humbug.


Increasing numbers of yachts

Increasing size of yachts

Length of start line off GFS Clubhouse is sometimes in breach of safety guidelines considering the combined length of participating yachts

Increasing No. of collisions and near misses.


Light South or South Easterly breezes, which have led to a congestion of yachts in front of the start line and down Humbug.

Changes to rules

Sailing secretary has highlighted the changes in red in the current version of the Sailing Instructions on the GFS website.

  1. Start Line.
  2. The Start Line may be set from either the Clubhouse or the Club launch. Code flag ‘Q’ will be flown at the Clubhouse to signify that the start will be from the Club launch.
  3. Courses and Course Signals.

Course Signals. Twilight Courses – Clubhouse start or if conditions warrant Launch Start (Code Flag ‘Q’ flown on the clubhouse flag mast)

  1. Starting Procedure.
  2. Twilight Point Score – Scratch Start. PT (Clubhouse 1735 hrs, Launch 1745 hrs)

Launch Starts will use Radio calls – no flag falls

Horn will still be sounded



For our twilight racers who may not be used to open water line starts please see the following useful links to the starting rules for any start line.


Of note:       no mark room applies at a start line;

                     No proper course applies before the start;

Windward boat must give way to a leeward boat – if they force you over that’s too bad! BUT

Leeward boat must give room and opportunity for others to keep clear; AND

You can only luff up to head to wind.  If you go further or tack, even accidentally, you are tacking in water and loose your rights. You are now windward boat– and you’re out and too bad.!


Given certain conditions Twilight starts may be from the club launch. The launch will be positioned adjacent to Cockatoo Island away from the main channel.

Participants will be notified prior by SMS and the start for each division will be delayed by 10 minutes with the start sequence commencing at 1745 hrs. There will be no flag signals.

Sailing Instruction SI 10 has been revised –

When starting from the club launch in TWILIGHT RACES only, there will be no flag signals.
 Starts for each division will rely on sound signals and radio calls from the starters.

Each time you race you must enter a crew list. No crew list will result in your yacht being classed as DNF.

You can enter the crew list up to 24 hours after the race. Results published will be provisional up until this time.

Crew lists are deleted each Monday at midnight by TopYacht.

Initial set up is via the TopYacht entry link – https://www.topyacht.com.au/db/kb/1416

Detailed instructions are here – Persons on Board Instructions

There are instructions included to allow you to set up a mobile device to update crew. It is then very simple to just tick those on board from a list.

Once you have added a crew list you can update your crew from the following link – https://tymob.net.au/1416

Good afternoon,

We wish to invite owners of classic and modern yachts and vintage skiffs to participate in the 2021 Balmain Regatta on Sunday the 31st of October 2021.

Please see the Notice of Race and the Entry Form.

This years’ regatta will include the on-water spectacle followed by music, BBQ and beverages on the deck at the club and in the clubhouse.

All attendees on the premises will need to comply with current Public Health Orders.

We are looking forward to another unique Balmain Regatta.

David Stenhouse

Balmain Sailing Club

Following high vaccination rates and changes to NSW Health Orders, Yacht Racing at GFS will be commencing as follows:

Twilight Racing:     Wed    27/10/2021

Saturday Series:     Sat       30/10/2021

The revised shortened racing series programme is on the GFS websight.  Ensure you complete your race entries by the required dates and note that you need to enter each desired series individually.

Skippers, the 2021-22 Safety Briefing will be held by Zoom Meeting.

TUESDAY 19TH OCTOBER 2021 at 19.30 hours.

Note that each Skipper intending to race or a boat delegate must attend.

·       NSW RMS (Maritime) Officer Pascal Geraghty will be in attendance for information re our regulated obligations as boat owners.

·       Requirements for competitors for Covid Safe Sailing and socializing in compliance with NSW Health Orders and your obligations as  skipper will be advised.

·       Changes to Sailing Instructions and starting procedures will be discussed.

·       Procedures for Covid safe Safety Audits will be advised and your input welcome.

Zoom meeting invite details are set out below. These will also be posted on the GFS Website.

David Leslie

GFS Safety Officer, 0432883771

Time: Oct 19, 2021 07:30 PM Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney

Join Zoom Meeting by clicking this link:

Meeting ID: 858 7304 5412

One tap mobile
+61861193900,,85873045412# Australia
+61871501149,,85873045412# Australia

Dial by your location
+61 8 6119 3900 Australia
+61 8 7150 1149 Australia
+61 2 8015 6011 Australia
+61 3 7018 2005 Australia
+61 7 3185 3730 Australia
Meeting ID: 858 7304 5412
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/k8xjQdtAX

Please read the following instructions for the meeting:

Think of a Zoom Meeting as a face-to-face meeting and conduct yourself as you would if you were all present in the same room. In addition:

  • Join early – up to 5 minutes before the meeting start time.
  • Please mute your microphone as a courtesy after entry to the meeting and keep your microphone muted when not talking
  • If you haven’t used Zoom before click the link to download Zoom prior to the day of the meeting and familiarise yourself with any features you may need to use on the day – mute/unmute microphone, stop/start video, screenshare etc.
  • Have your video on unless you are experiencing connection issues
  • Find a quiet space without interruptions / background noise
  • Have good lighting on your face so you can be seen clearly – avoid backlight from bright lights/windows
  • Adjust your camera to be at around eye level if possible – especially take note of the angle of your laptop screen if using the built-in camera.
  • Try to avoid talking over / at the same time as other participants

Given the relaxation of Covid restrictions in NSW competitive sailing is able to begin. The GFS sailing program has been adjusted to allow for the shortened sailing season as in available here – Revised GFS-Sailing-Prog_2021_2022 -Yachts.

In summary Twilight Racing will commence on October 27 and Saturday on October 30.

Please abide by the NSW government restrictions in place at all times and the GFS rules for entering and gathering at the clubhouse.

Be safe for all of us and get vaccinated.

From Emma Humphries

Regional Manager NSW/ACT

Australian Sailing

Hello club officials,

Whilst I do not yet have the exact restrictions that will be applicable to sailing and club activities when we hit 70% and 80% vaccinated;

The breaking news today is –

5 fully vaccinated people can go sailing

Marine Area Command NSW Police Force have issued new advice today

In areas subject to stay-at-home orders – including Greater Sydney and some regional areas five people are allowed on a recreational boat in the following circumstances:

  • All people 16+ are fully vaccinated, or more if they are all members of the same household.
  • There is room for one person per four square metres, otherwise the two-person rule applies
  • You are not outside your LGA, or more than five kilometres from your home

I will email all clubs as soon as I have more information about the rules that will apply at 70% and 80%.


You may not be aware of a recent exemption, which allows a single owner to visit a vessel for maintenance. This exemption does include the ability to take the vessel for a “voyage”.

From Australian Sailing.

Hello Club Officials,

Marine Area Command have issued the statement below clarifying that the new gathering rules of 5 people outdoors DO NOT apply to any kind of boat.
I have spoken to them to confirm this includes sailing boats whether open or with a cabin.

Marine Area Command Published the following on 14 September:

The easing of restrictions within the Greater Sydney ‘stay at home’ area effective yesterday, 13 September, whereby;

you can attend an outdoor gathering in a public space of up to 5 people for exercise or outdoor recreation (aged 16 years or over and fully vaccinated) DOES NOT relate to boating.


Boating is still limited to the same household members or if from different households a maximum of 2 people.  Vessels are considered a ‘premise’ therefore this outdoor easing does not relate to vessels.

I have updated the NSW COVID page – https://www.sailingresources.org.au/covid-19/nsw/

Give me a call if you need any further information.

Kind regards,

Emma Humphries

Regional Manager

Australian Sailing

Dear Skippers,

The GFS committee is giving consideration to establishing a tender service on race days, especially twilights. The tender service would enable skippers and limited crew to get from club to vessel and pick up after racing.

We are in early planning and envisage the following:

· Cover moorings within sight of the club and to Woodford Bay

· Convenience for skippers

· Limit the need for more dinghy spaces and dinghy movements on race days.

Insurance and staffing requirements are being considered however we need to gauge the level of interest amongst members for such a service.

Please respond to GFSsafetyofficer@gmail.com with the following:

1. Are you interested?

2. Would you pay for such a service?

3. Would you pay an annual levy for such a service?

4. Any other comments or suggestions.

Thank you all

David Leslie

GFS Safety Officer.

On behalf of your GFS Committee, welcome to the 2021-22 Sailing Season.  Your Commodore  and Rear Commodores have been busy planning and preparing for Twilght and Saturday Racing and we are ready to go.  However, as you are all aware we are being foiled again by Covid19. Community sports are not possible now, and potentially until at least the end of October.  I am being optimistic!

As Safety Officer my plans for hands on safety audits prior to racing are also foiled. Although the days were scheduled in the Sailing Programme, these are obviously placed on hold.  Your Committee have endorsed that in accordance with recommendation by Sailing Australia and, consistent with other Sydney Sailing Clubs, the validity of Safety Audits expiring 30 June 2021, is extended until 31/12/2021.  When we know if and when Sailing events can recommence, we will advise a programme of Safety Audits at GFS.

In the meantime I make the following advice to skippers:

  • Responsibility of the Person in Charge – AS Special Regulation 1.02

The safety of a boat and her crew is the sole and inescapable responsibility of the person in charge who shall do their best to ensure that the boat is fully found, thoroughly seaworthy and manned by an experienced crew who have undergone appropriate training and are physically fit to face bad weather.  He/She must be satisfied as to the soundness of hull, spars, rigging, sails and all gear.  He/She shall ensure that all safety equipment is properly maintained and stowed and that the crew know where it is kept and how it is to be used.  He/She shall also nominate a person to take over the responsibilities of the person in charge in the event of the skippers incapacitation.

  • Under the Health Orders, you can visit a vessel on mooring or in a marina, to check the soundness and safety of the vessel and moorings and ensure that on board systems remain functional and safe.
  • A vessel can be driven to for from a slipway or maintenance facility for purposes of service and repair.
  • The 2021-24 Safety Audit Forms for Cat 7, 5 and 4 are downloadable from the GFS Website Racing Information Tab. Now is the time to download the form and undertake the skipper’s requirements for forthcoming audits. At the least:
    • Check your First Aid Kit contents for quantities and expiry dates. First Aid requirements have been simplified for Cat 7-5 so this is not onerous but sensible.
    • Now is the time to do your inflatable PFD surveys. Skippers are reminded that NSW Roads and Maritime can stop and check vessels on the water at any time for safety compliance.
    • Check your lights and torches are functional and spare batteries available;
    • Download, print and study your 21-22 GFS Sailing Instructions. There is new stuff in there!
    • Radio checks are simple, easy and essential.

A note with respect to radios. With the potential for outside starts and outside finishes during the twilight series a functional radio will be essential for race management reasons aswell as safety.

STAY SAFE: David Leslie, GFS Safety Officer                                             

It is highly unlikely that the 2021 – 2022 sailing season will start in September. However, entries are now open on TopYacht in anticipation for the go ahead sometime this year.

Go to https://www.topyacht.com.au/db/kb/1416

Race information – 2021 – 2022 Program, Sailing Instructions, Twilight and Saturday Courses and Equipment Audit forms are on the Sailing – Yacht Racing Information tab.

 GFS SailPass
 GFS SailPass

Crew List
- here

GFS Facebook Group