Please be advised that Lane Cove 12ftSSC will be hosting Round 1 of the Allen Flying Eleven State Championships this weekend and have 40 boats registered for the event.

All racing will be on the eastern side of Cockatoo Island and Mann’s Point. Please be vigilant.

Drinks are provided in the Members’ Fridge at a small cost at times when the bar is not operating. The returns from the fridge are reconciled with the cost of stocking the fridge. The funds are used to offset costs incurred in sailing activities, like the provision of starters (as opposed to duty crews rostered for start duty). Please make sure any purchases are fully paid for. From January 1, 2023 the price of drinks from the fridge is $4.

The Committee is pleased to confirm that with the return of a full Program of Twilight Sailing, GFS would again invite Youth Off the Streets (YOTS) and their workers to sail with us for one race in December and then join us for a BBQ. YOTS has accepted the invitation.

This recommences the program that has been run for 20 consecutive seasons, although being cancelled for the past two years due to Covid. This year we are expecting up to 35 YOTS and their workers to join us on Wednesday 7 December (fall back date is 14 December in case of cancellation due to adverse conditions). The event will be conducted, as in the past, with boats arriving at the dock from about 5.15 to pick up crew to take one or two YOTS or workers on their boat for a racing experience.

With respect to RRS 46 requirements, we have arranged to use Australian Sailing’s Bulk Upload Facility to add the visitors’ names, birthdates and emergency contact details to the AS Database. This will generate AS#s as required and provide access to the AS personal safety insurance facility for all the kids and workers involved. This will mean individual skippers will NOT need to add the kids or workers names, AS#s etc to their own POB Lists.

Thanks in advance to those skippers who can assist with this very worthy GFS activity.

For more information about Youth Off the Streets go here.

Humbug Lite Vol 6 November 22

The 2022/2023 Twilight Racing Season Duty Roster has now been published – Twi Dut Crew.
There is also a link on the Sailing Racing Information page.
Would all skippers please check the Roster for your duty dates and make a note in your calendars.

Seeking 4 GFS members with sailing experience to join a Robert Oatley sponsored boat, in the ASX Charity Regatta on November 11 at Middle Harbour Yacht Club. Information about the regatta is here.

Drinks and lunch provided

Would be great to get to get representation from GFS as Robert Oatley have been generous sponsors to our club over the years.

Will be a fun day out on the water.

If interested please email Maree van Bellen

Please respond as soon as possible.

Click to enlarge

We had great winds and the rain held off.  A total of 53 boats started, which was good to see.

A few reminders:

POB lists:

  • POB lists are required to be submitted before each race.
  • If you are not able to submit your POB list before the race, due to special circumstances, you may submit your POB list up to 24 hours after the race finishes.
  • Crew lists are deleted at midnight every Monday. If you enter a crew list before then for the following week’s races these will also be deleted.

Racing Divisions:  There have been a few changes this year, as advised at the Compulsory Skippers Briefing.

  • Would all skippers please check your division allocation for this season.
  • For boats that require a new division flag, we have a limited supply available in the Sailing Office.  The office is usually open on Sat from about 10.00 a.m. to 12.30 and Weds from 17.00.

BBQ:  Catering has resumed at the clubhouse and will be in full swing for Spring Race 3.  Please support your club.

Please follow this link for the GFS Safety Briefing presentation.

Prior to competing in GFS events, you will need to complete and lodge a safety audit and upload it and your Proof of Insurance details to TopYacht.

Dockside audits were quick and efficient provided owners were ready.  Please review the audit requirements posted on the link below.
On the last audit day, some boats did not have safety gear deployed – life jackets out for on-deck viewing, anchor and chain visible on foredeck, Proof of Insurance, Audit documentation completed by the skipper or representative and the other mandated items and first aid kit in the cockpit.
If gear is not on deck and forms not completed you will be turned away until this is completed.

Remaining Audit Dates

 Twilight fleet

Sunday 25/9/22 – Twilight Fleet Day 2

Please refer to the process outlined on the email from the Safety Officer or on the link here – GFS Safety Notice to Skippers#1

For information regarding Fire Extinguishers – go here – amsa707_inspection_of_portable_fire_extinguishers

For a template for Category 7 Medical Kit contents go here – Medical Kit

David Leslie, GFS Safety Officer

These and Saturday results are now on the Sailing – Race Results page of the web site.

At present results are not able to be uploaded in the normal fashion to the internet.  This issue is now resolved.

Provisional results for DH Race 1 are –

Click to enlarge 

Saturday September 10.

Entrants, Divisions and Handicaps (PHS)

Click to enlarge

Entries for the 2022 – 2023 Sailing Season are open in TopYacht.

Before you race in either a Saturday or Twilight series or race at GFS you will need to enter your yacht online through the TopYacht Race Entry System (TES).  Once entered and your Equipment Audit and Proof of Insurance uploaded,  you will be able to enter events at GFS and other clubs or regattas.

To enter your yacht for 2022-2023 Twilight, Saturday, Twilight Summer, Saturday Summer and Down Harbour Series at GFS – Each Series must be entered separately.

Go to –

A help page for the TopYacht entry process can be found here: How to Enter a Sailing Event using the TopYacht Entry System .  If your boat has joint ownership please read this.

Saturday Series entries must be made before August 27.


WHWS Combined club results.

Well done to all GFS competitors in the 2022 combined clubs West Harbour Winter Series.

Great results for GFS yachts in Division 2 with Whiskey Tango Foxtrot 1st and Jester (GBR32) 3rd.

In Division 3 a clean sweep with G-Whizz 1st, On Y Va! 2nd and Tana 3rd.

 GFS SailPass
 GFS SailPass

Crew List
- here

GFS Facebook Group