2024 – 2025 Season

Race Entry

Before you race in either a Saturday or Twilight series race at GFS you will need to enter your yacht online through the TopYacht Race Entry System (TES).

Once registered you will be able to enter events at GFS and other clubs or regattas.  

 Each Series must be entered separately –

             Twilight Overall (includes Spring and Autumn),

             Saturday Overall (includes Spring and Autumn),

             Twilight Summer,

              Saturday Summer

              Down Harbour Series

 Please only enter the series in which you intend to sail.

            To enter your yacht for the 2024 – 2025 sailing season – Go to  – https://topyacht.com.au/db/kb2/1806

A help page for the TopYacht entry process can be found here: How to Enter a Sailing Event using the TopYacht Entry System . If your boat has joint ownership please read this.


Please note the GFS House Rules conditions of entry (Rule 57)

57. Conditions of entry in races at GFS are stated in the GFS Sailing Instructions plus –

      a. Boat owners must be paid up full members of the club or a visitor who has paid a visitors fees

      b. All racing yachts must have a current Safety Certificate to at least Category 7

      c. All yachts must be insured and have public liability insurance to the value of $10 million.

      d. All yachts competing in events must comply with State regulations with respect to safety gear including navigation lights where required.

      e. New entrants to racing will not be accepted for yachts that exceed 40.0 ft in length or yachts deemed by the Committee to be unsuited to racing in the Club events

Sailing Program – Yacht Divisions

Greenwich Flying Squadron Program 2024 -2025

GFS Sailing Instructions  2023 – 2024


 SENS Exemption Order and Conditions

SENS Exemption Order

2021 – 2024 Racing Rules of Sailing

2021-2024 Racing Rules of Sailing ‘Blue Book’ with Australian Sailing Prescriptions


GFS Courses 2024 – 2025

Saturday and Down Harbour Series Courses

Open –

Download – 

Twilight Series Courses

Open –  

Download – 



2023 – 2024 GFS RACE ENTRY

Before you race in either a Saturday or Twilight series race at GFS you will need to enter your yacht online through the TopYacht Race Entry System (TES).

Once registered you will be able to enter events at GFS and other clubs or regattas.  

 Each Series must be entered separately –

             Twilight Spring and Autumn,

             Saturday Spring and Autumn,

             Twilight Summer,

              Saturday Summer and

              Down Harbour Series

 Please only enter the series in which you intend to sail.

            To enter your yacht for 2023 – 2024 –   Go to – https://topyacht.com.au/db/kb2/1703  

A help page for the TopYacht entry process can be found here: How to Enter a Sailing Event using the TopYacht Entry System . If your boat has joint ownership please read this.


Please note the GFS House Rules conditions of entry (Rule 57)

57. Conditions of entry in races at GFS are stated in the sailing instructions (available below) plus –

      a. Boat owners must be paid up full members of the club or a visitor who has paid a visitors fees

      b. All racing yachts must have a current Safety Certificate to at least Category 7

      c. All yachts must be insured and have public liability insurance to the value of $10 million.

      d. All yachts competing in events must comply with State regulations with respect to safety gear including

          navigation lights where required.

      e. New entrants to racing will not be accepted for yachts that exceed 40.0 ft in length or yachts deemed by

           the Committee to be unsuited to racing in the Club events



Season 2023 – 2024

2023 – 2024 SENS Exemption Order and Conditions

SENS Exemption

2021 – 2024 Racing Rules of Sailing

2021-2024 Racing Rules of Sailing ‘Blue Book’ with Australian Sailing Prescriptions

2023 – 2024 Sailing Program – Yacht Divisions


Category 7 Equipment Audit Form


For other Category forms please see below (2022 – 2023).

Sailing Instructions  2023 – 2024

GFS SI_23-24_pH Mark 4

GFS Courses 2023 – 2024

Saturday Courses

Open – GFS Saturday Courses-2023 – 2024

Download – GFS Saturday Courses-2023 – 2024

Extra and Additional Saturday Courses – Extra Additional Saturday Series Courses

Twilight Courses

Open –  GFS-Twilight-Courses-2023_2024 Mk2

Download – GFS-Twilight-Courses-2023_2024 Mk2

Twilight Duty Roster

Duty Crew Roster 2023-2024.


2022 – 2023 Sailing Program – Yacht Divisions


2022  – 2023 Twilight Duty Roster

                    Twi Dut Crew

2022 – 2023 Safety Audit Form

Cat 7_Form_2022_pH

Other Categories

Cat 4 Form

Cat 5 Form

2022 – 2023 Courses Saturday Yacht Divisions

GFS Saturday Courses-2022_2023

2022 -2023 Courses Twilight Yacht Divisions

GFS Twilight-Courses-2022_2023

2022 – 2023 Sailing Instructions – Yacht Divisions

GFS SI_23-24_pH Mark 4

2022 – 2023 SENS

SENS Conditions

SENS Down Harbour

SENS Laser and Sabot

SENS Saturday

SENS Twilight

GFS Safety Card



2021 – 2022 Sailing Program – Yacht Divisions

Download Word Document – Revised-GFS-Sailing-Prog_2021_2022-Yachts-3

Read PDF online – Revised-GFS-Sailing-Prog_2021_2022-Yachts-3

2021 – 2022 Equipment Audit Forms

Category 7

Cat 7 Form 2021

Other Categories

Cat 4 Form 2021

Cat 5 Form 2021

GFS Safety Card


2021 – 2022 Course Sheets

Saturday and Down Harbour

GFS Saturday Courses-2021_2022



2021 – 2022 Sailing Instructions

Dowmload word document – SI_pH-21-22-Revised-Jan 3

Read PDF online – SI_pH-21-22-Revised-Jan 3

2021 – 2022 SENS



2020 – 2021 Sailing Program Yacht Divisions

GFS-Sailing-Prog_2020_2021 -Yachts

2017 – 2021 Equipment Audit Form

GFS-Cat-7-Safety-Audit-Form-2017-21_pH 20
Equipment Audit Requirements in Detail

GFS Safety Card


          Saturday Course Sheet 2020 – 2021

GFS-Saturday-Courses-2020_2021 amended Oct 25

                              Word File – Saturday-Courses-2020_2021 amended Oct 25

     Twilight Course Sheet 2020 – 2021

Twilight Courses-2020_2021_Final

Word file – Twilight Courses-2020_2021_Final

2020 – 2021 Sailing Instructions

               Full Version –  SI_pH-20-21

                               Cockpit Version – SI_pH-20-21-Cockpit-Version

 SENS Season 2020 – 2021

                             SENS GFS 2021

                             SENS Gazette 9 March 2020


2019 – 2020 Sailing Program Yacht Divisions

GFS-Sailing-Prog_2019_2020 -Yachts_Final

   2019 – 2020 Sailing Instructions

SI_pH-19-20-Amended-Jan 20

SI_pH-19-20-Cockpit-Version-Amended-Jan 20

2019 – 2020 Course Sheets

Saturday and Down Harbour   Courses-2019_2020 just Sat

Twilight – Twilight Courses-2019_2020

RMS / GFS Incident Report Forms

RMS Vessel Incident Report Form
GFS (Club) Incident Report Form

2018 – 2019 Sailing Program Yacht Divisions

GFS-Sailing-Prog_2018-_19-Yachts– Updated September 10

2018 – 2019 Sailing Instructions

Abridged-Sailing Instructions for Cockpit and for Printing – as at July 28, 2018
Sailing Instructions 2018 – 2019 Season Full Version – as at July 28, 2018

2018 – 2019  Saturday and Twilight Courses

Revised Courses-2018_2019-pH_Dec 8

Bradleys Head Safe Water Mark

Required information for some Down Harbour Courses

Racing Rules of Sailing 2017 – 2020

Racing Rules of Sailing

Skipper’s Briefing Presentation

GFS Skippers Briefing 2018/19 Season

2017 – 2018 (Aquatic Licence) Sailing Event Notification (SENS)

Covering letter – SENS
Conditions  – SENS Pages from Gazette

 Other Information

Yacht Results

The Racing Rules of Sailing 2017 -2020


ISAF Rules Protest Form

Trophies – winners and description


 GFS SailPass
 GFS SailPass

Crew List
- here

GFS Facebook Group