COVID restrictions put an early end to the West Harbour Winter Series. With only 4 races sailed the Series Scores were finalised.

The Balmain club in a wave of Olympic Euphoria gave the end of series medal tally –





















Well done to the GFS participants.

GFS Winter results

Div 1                    Div 2                                Div 3                          Div 4

Passion X            Beware of the Dog        Allons-Y                   Salty Sea Dog 2

Irukandji             Jester GBR32                Aurora =                  Capriole

…………….        On Y Va                         Hasta La Vista =     Joka

It is with great sadness that I advise the passing of Egon Ostergaard one of our longstanding GFS members. Egon was diagnosed with a brain aneurism 3 weeks ago and despite undergoing several operations finally succumbed and passed away in his sleep on July 18th 2021. He was aged 83 and had  only recently celebrated his 60th wedding anniversary with his wife Grethe.

Egon was an enthusiastic sailor and regularly participated in GFS races in his yacht L’Attitude. He particularly enjoyed Twilight races and loved to share post- race dinners with his family and friends.

On behalf of all GFS members, I express my sincere condolences to Egon’s wife Grethe, his family and many friends.

Pam Joy, Commodore

Egon was a fierce competitor in L’Attitude in GFS Twilight and Winter events over many seasons. He also participated in races on the main harbour, the Sydney Harbour Regatta at MHYC and the West Harbour Winter Series which he won the overall point score and trophy for Green Division.  He was dedicated to his family as evidenced by his unfailing support for his granddaughter, Anja Nissen in her quest and finally success in winning The Voice in 2013.
Egon will be saddly missed.

This message has been emailed to members with the link to a ‘zoom meeting’ . Pleas contact GFS is you did not receive the email.

Dear GFS members,

Sydney might be in Lockdown and the sailing season on hold, but GFS members can still share a drink and catch up with friends on a virtual deck.

We are hosting a zoom session on Friday from 4.30 to 6 for members to meet with other GFS sailors to chat over drinks and nibbles. This will be a virtual “deck of knowledge” session so make sure you have your own drinks on hand and be ready to share news, advice and plans for the forthcoming season.

We are hoping to run these “Members’ catch -up sessions” on a weekly basis so let us know about your interests and preferred days and times.

Hope to see you on “the deck” on Friday

Pam Joy Commodore 19 July 2021

In response to the current Covid restrictions, the GFS Annual General Meeting will still go head on Tuesday July 13 commencing at 7.30pm online using Zoom.

Voting will be, as usual, by a show of hands or acclamation and you will be unmuted by the host for this. If a vote needs to be counted, there is an online feature called ‘show of hands’ and this will be explained if required during the meeting.

Questions from members are encouraged and can be submitted in advance by email to

Questions during the meeting can be submitted via the ‘chat function’ on Zoom.

The club apologises for the multiple emails which have been sent about the AGM but the committee is doing its best in difficult circumstances.

We encourage and look forward to your presence online for the GFS 2021 AGM.

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, there will be no racing in the combined club’s West Harbour Winter Series until after the 9th of July. Balmain Sailing Club will remain closed and the BSC’s Friday Afternoon Series is also postponed.

Sailing Australia has updated their NSW COVID-19 Information Page and will continue to update the information as new information is published by the NSW Government –

 The following restrictions now apply and must be adhered to by all community sport and recreation groups across Greater Sydney, the Central Coast, Blue Mountains, Wollongong and Shellharbour:

Face Masks

The following rules and restrictions now apply regarding the wearing of face masks –

a)  A person must wear a fitted face covering over both their nose and mouth while in any indoor area of non-residential premises; and

b)  A person must wear a fitted face covering over both their nose and mouth while attending a COVID-safe outdoor gathering or controlled outdoor public gathering.

This applies to all persons in Greater Sydney, the Central Coast, Blue Mountains, Wollongong and Shellharbour, as well as any persons who were in any of these Greater Sydney areas in the previous 14 days.

Removing Face Masks:

a)  A person may remove a face mask if the person is engaging in strenuous physical activity.

b)  The person must resume wearing the face mask as soon as practical after the strenuous physical activity ends.

Capacity limits:

An occupier of a premises must ensure the number of persons on the premises does not exceed the greater of;

  • 1 person per 4 square metres of space or
  • 25 persons

A reminder to all members that Membership renewals are due by 30 June. This is particularly important for skippers and crew actively racing in our winter racing series. Australian Sailing top-up personal injury insurance coverage lapses as at 1 July.  Additionally, yachts sailing with unfinancial crew may be subject to disqualification if involved in a protest. It is also important for all full members who may wish to exercise their voting rights at the upcoming July 13 Annual General Meeting, during which ratification of a new Constitution for the Club will be voted on. Current voting entitlements lapse as at July 1 when the new season fees fall due. A direct link to the renewals page is here .

During renewal, some members may get a browser message advising the site connection is not secure. We’re working on a fix but for the moment please disregard this warning and proceed.  It results from our system using a valid security module but one whose age is too old for FireFox/Chrome to consider current.

We are in the process of rebuilding our membership system so that more recent versions of the security module are compatible with it, but it was not ready in time for us to use during this season’s renewal period.

If you remain disinclined to accept this risk, please give Chris Gaskell (mob 0432018081) a call and he will make alternate arrangements to accept your CC transaction over the phone.

New Racing Rules of Sailing apply from January 1, 2021. Every year, at the Conference of World Sailing, improvements and amendments are made to the racing rules. They are re-published every 4 years.

If you are new to racing, comparing what the rules were to what they are now will be of little interest. Simply download the new rule book and either purchase a book or visit a website which explains the rules.

Download – 2021-2024 Racing Rules of Sailing ‘Blue Book’ with Australian Sailing Prescriptions –

The following link is to a listing of important changes in the order they appear in the ‘new’ rule book with the more significant in red. The attachment is more relevant for sailors who have been racing for a while. Download – RRS Changes


As usual there are many small changes aimed at making the rules easier to understand or less ambiguous. There are also some changes that affect the way we play the game of sailing.


The International Sailing Federation has changed its name again and is now known as ‘World Sailing’.

Please save the date – Saturday May 29.

The prize presentation will be held at the clubhouse from 1430 hrs.

Finger food will be provided.

Race 1 of the West Harbour Winter Series is this Sunday May 9 (for those of you lucky enough to escape Mothers’ Day duties).

The number of entrants in the 2021 West Harbour Winter Series is currently an impressive 65.

After much consideration, there will be  four relatively large divisions with the aim being to create competitive racing amongst boats with closely related performance characteristics.

Performance Handicapping will be the default system, however for those wishing to compete on a measurement basis, we will be processing results for those boats with an ORC Certificate.

Please see the List of Competitors by Division for Race 1 of the West Harbour Winter Series.

If you intend racing and your boat is not on the list, please Enter Now.

The Sailing Instructions and Course Maps are now online.

Please enjoy this 9th edition of the West Harbour Winter Series and sail safely.

Congratulations to Peter Hamilton and crew with Red Williams’ first place in the Sail Port Stephens Commodores Cup series non-spinnaker division.

Red William

Also congratulations to Rob Hale and crew on Jackpot – 1st in Performance Cruising Division 1 and John Veale and crew on Hasta La Vista 3rd in Performance Cruising Division 3. Koko were unlucky to be relegated to 4th in Division 2 Performance Cruising on a count back.

Well done also to the Tana crew for first place in Division 3 Performance Cruising Race 3.

Check the GFS Facebook page for some excellent pictures of GFS participants in the event.

Once again the West Harbour Winter Series is being organised by Balmain Sailing Club.

Please note that dates published in the GFS program have been changed and are now –

9 May

23 May

6 June

20 June

4  July

18 July

1 August

Details and entry is via the links below –

Notice of Race for the 2021 West Harbour Winter Series

The dates have been updated since my previous email so that there will be no sailing on the Queen’s Birthday long weekend.

Please see the link to the current list of entrants.

If you intend racing and your boat is not on the list, please Enter Now.

The Sail Port Stephens 2021 Regatta is scheduled for 19-25 April and several GFS yachts have entered the series.

The event website is where you can keep up with results in the various races.

GFS entries are –

AETOS N381 Christian Charalambous Northshore 38 NSW GFS
HASTA LA VISTA 7129 John Veale Dehler 32 NSW GFS
JACKPOT 6774 Robert Hale J122 NSW GFS
KOKO 63344 David Leslie Elan 37 NSW GFS
PASSION X 7130 David Edmiston Didi 40 Cr NSW GFS
SALTY SEADOG II 28 Carl Nicholls Holland 30 NSW GFS
SWEENEY-TODD AUS067 Julian Todd Fareast 28r NSW GFS/RSYS
TANA 6380 Pam Joy Jeanneau 32 NSW GFS
RED WILLIAM SM226 Peter Hamilton S&S 34 NSW GFS

We wish them luck in their various races

Down Harbour Race 8 results have now been adjusted to reflect the actual finish times. This may have also affected the final standings.

We thank Joe Walsh Rigging for the ongoing support of this series.

Winners were; Blue – Koko, White – Adrenaline and Red – Joka. Well done.

Conditions look positive for Twilight Autumn Race 9 tonight.

Click to enlarge

 GFS SailPass
 GFS SailPass

Crew List
- here

GFS Facebook Group